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Shake出免費智利之旅!ABA Pisco 亞洲雞尾酒挑戰賽2024

作家相片: Drinks99Drinks99


Picturesque landscape of the Elqui Valley in Chile, featuring snow-capped mountains, lush vineyards, and a clear, blue sky. The Elqui Valley is known for its production of high-quality pisco, the national spirit of Chile.

你係一個有才華嘅調酒師嗎?你想向世界展示你嘅創意嗎?ABA Pisco 雞尾酒亞洲挑戰賽 2024 就係你展示實力嘅最佳時機!

呢個獨一無二的嘅活動邀請來自亞洲各地的調酒師競爭「ABA Pisco 雞尾酒冠軍」嘅頭銜。參賽者將有機會發揮他們的創造力和調酒技術,調製創新而美味的以 Pisco 為基底的雞尾酒,突出呢種烈酒獨特的味道和多樣性。

呢個比賽更加係一次深度文化體驗冠軍得主可以免費前往迷人的智利,艾爾基谷(Elqui Valley)。作為 Pisco 白蘭地嘅發源地呢個地區提供了大量機會讓人們深入了解這種標誌性南美烈酒的歷史、生產同文化藝術。


Breathtaking view of the night sky over the Elqui Valley in Chile, with millions of stars twinkling brightly against a pitch-black background. The Elqui Valley is known for its exceptional stargazing conditions due to its clear, dry climate and minimal light pollution.

探索艾爾基谷 (Elqui Valley)



無論你係參觀迷人的 Pisco 蒸餾廠、在星空下品嘗手工雞尾酒,還是沉浸在這個谷地繁華的當地文化中,你都可以從中盡情體驗艾爾基谷的旅遊魅力。

A group of tourists hiking on a trail in the Elqui Valley of Chile, surrounded by towering, snow-capped mountains and a clear, blue sky. The hikers are taking in the breathtaking natural scenery of this picturesque region known for its pisco production and stunning landscapes


艾爾基谷的魅力遠不止於 Pisco 白蘭地。佢仲係一個天然嘅遊樂場,提供無盡的戶外探險和文化探索機會。徒步穿越壯麗的景觀,探索隱藏的峽谷,清澈的河流。仰望銀河系,去見證數百年來吸引星象觀察者的 celestial 天奇觀,或去來訪迷人的小鎮同瀏覽手工藝品市場,去發掘呢個谷地豐富的當地文化。


A photo of the ABA Pisco distillery in Chile, with the staff carefully bottling and labeling bottles of premium pisco. The image highlights the meticulous attention to detail and craftsmanship involved in the production of this iconic South American spirit.


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